People Preparing to Encounter God

2015: BUILD WITH EXCELLENCE Build a better church and build a better future. God is in the business of building lives, equipping each one and empowering them to live the life He has planned for them. How many lives have been changed? How may mindsets have been transformed? How many hearts have been cleaned out of useless debris and have experienced a complete overhaul? We are very thankful that God has led them into this new direction. The PEPSOL Training has been running for almost two years now and the results and testimonies have been overwhelming. Arlene MariƱas Collado has been resistant to undergo the Pre-encounter training. But she confesses that all along, God has been melting her heart and has replaced her stubbornness with a desire to get to know God on a deeper level. Her son, Joseph, has gone ahead, and is now on his way to finishing the Post-encounter. Teary-eyed with joy, he shares that during the worship part of the...