
Showing posts from January, 2014

Jeremiah Kingship & Mission Imprint in San Fernando

A Very Fruitful and Eventful January We are off to a good start.  By the grace of God, January proved to be an eventful month.  The last weekend of January ended with a special guest speaker all the way from Pennsylvania, U.S.A.---Jeremiah Kingshipp, a missionary pastor.  Working for  Mission Imprint , a Christian-based disaster-relief, non-profit organization, Jeremiah visited the Philippines to deliver water systems to villages and orphanages.   Mission Imprint’s mission  is to provide the hope of Jesus Christ during hard times and to do it in ways that are lasting, relational, and that have eternal impact.  Assisting  him is 20-year old Vito de Carlo .  Together they visited the Yolanda victims.  They also graciously donated one water filter  to San Fernando Christian Community.  This center is sort of an oasis for people 24/7.  Neighboring kids and passers-by know that they could always come here to get ...

More & More are Baptized into Christ

Baptism Sunday, January 26, 2014   Sunday, January 26, 2014 Baptism Sunday, held every last Sunday of the month, saw 6 new creations go under and emerge out of water to proclaim their decision to follow Jesus all the days of their lives.   Pastor Jeremiah Kingshipp gladly joined the ceremony. It truly was a celebratory event.    Aleene Narte decided to be baptized because she heard from God.  She believes that from this day on, Jesus will use her mightily, and that He will cause things to happen in her life that is according to His will.   Diana Calucer heard a Word from God to totally surrender her life and allow herself to be used.  She states that she is ready.  "Handa na ako sa bagong ako," she declares.  We are all excited for you, guys. We are confident that "He Who began His good work in you will be faithful to complete it." (Philippians 1:6) Congratulations!   

Transforming Lives

Living in the F.O.G. (Favor of God) We are living in the F.O.G. (favor of God). The first few weeks of the year has already proven eventful and fruitful.  The Pre-encounter Class is on its last week.   It is like a preparation class before the Encounter which will be held on the 31 st  of January.    Already, the excitement is a-brewing.    Testimonies are being birthed as the participants attend and listen to a new and exciting topic every week. Abi Balanon shared that she suddenly found herself reacting differently to adversities in the workplace.    She used to fight back but recently, she was surprised that instead of her usual negative reaction, she started praying for those who hurt her.    She knew it was not her, but God moving in her life.    She shared that it actually felt a lot better than getting even.    She feels freer now that her focus is on God.    Charm Nisperos s...

2 Timothy Turns 3

Zion Lee Turns 3   Last Saturday, Jan. 18, was a big day for our dear little Zion Lee as he turned three. Everyone---young, old, and in-between came to join the party.  It was not the usual kid’s party with just clowns, balloons, and ice cream.  More than that, there was the sharing of the Word, and the blessing of Zion by his Abba Daddy.  Everyone, not just Zion, was blessed by this out-of-the-ordinary celebration.  This event is a reminder for all of us that there is always a reason to celebrate---not just birthdays or anniversaries.  We celebrate because we know that Jesus has already won the victory for us. All we have to do is to believe and receive  it.    Well-wishers---it IS more fun in SFCC! Thar he blows! Zion having a blast with his Mommy and Abba Daddy. The Kids' Ministry volunteers have prepared a special production number for Zion. Overflowing food for everybody Abba Daddy pro...

Stepping-In to 2014

The Year of Break Outs  11 January 2014  Welcome 2014!  This is the year of break outs and breakthroughs.  The speed of acceleration is so contagious that everyone can't help but catch the blaze and join the ascent.  There is a shift coming.   The Wardens have come home to join SFCC for the New Year.   The last Praise and Prayer Night held on the 31st of December (the last Tuesday of 2013) was a night filled with revelations and promises from the Lord.  The first Saturday of 2014 was a triumph as the first Soaking Night of 2014 was jam-packed with worshipers and first-time guests.  Worship reached a feverish pitch as hearts got drenched by His presence.  Indeed, the Lord is moving,  and how!  Already, January has been abuzz with activities.  The new batch of Pre-encounter participants are on their 4th week.  Post-encounter sessions have resumed after the New Year and pretty soon, it will be Gr...