Stepping-In to 2014
11 January 2014
This is the year of break outs and breakthroughs. The speed of acceleration is so contagious that everyone can't help but catch the blaze and join the ascent. There is a shift coming.

Already, January has been abuzz with activities. The new batch of Pre-encounter participants are on their 4th week. Post-encounter sessions have resumed after the New Year and pretty soon, it will be Graduation Day. At the end of this month, the 31st of January, another batch of Encounter participants will understand what it means to really encounter God. Next month, the first batch of School of Leaders participants will begin their training. Everyone is willing to grow in the knowledge of God, thus enabling them to be real champions in life.

Building the new courtyard has resumed. More generous hearts began the New Year with a contribution.
Julie's heart was to be the first person to contribute this 2014 and she promptly did so. She is acting out her faith that God will increase the center in terms of population and accommodation. She says SFCC is her home and she wants to be a part of its expansion in every way.
Vikki found herself jumping up and down with joy as soon as she made her contribution. She says, "It didn't feel like I lost money. It felt like I gained more! It really felt good to be a part of upgrading the church---even if it is just one square meter of bricks. "
For Kiko, it is his love for SFCC that moved him to give. "I love seeing God move through this place as a venue where lives are changed and people connect with each other. I give because I want to honor God with the finances He has entrusted to me. This project is so important because we need the space to accommodate more guests, and I want to be a part of that." There is joy in giving if one recognizes that everything came from Him.
These are just a few of the contributors. The list is growing and pretty soon, the expansion will be finished. There is still more work and upgrades to be done. But we stand on His promise that the Lord will fulfill His purpose for us (Ps. 138:8).
Here's to an exciting, purpose-filled journey into 2014. This is the Lord's year. Are you ready?
Welcome 2014!
This is the year of break outs and breakthroughs. The speed of acceleration is so contagious that everyone can't help but catch the blaze and join the ascent. There is a shift coming.
The Wardens have come home to join SFCC for the New Year. The last Praise and Prayer Night held on the 31st of December (the last Tuesday of 2013) was a night filled with revelations and promises from the Lord.
The first Saturday of 2014 was a triumph as the first Soaking Night of 2014 was jam-packed with worshipers and first-time guests. Worship reached a feverish pitch as hearts got drenched by His presence. Indeed, the Lord is moving, and how!
Already, January has been abuzz with activities. The new batch of Pre-encounter participants are on their 4th week. Post-encounter sessions have resumed after the New Year and pretty soon, it will be Graduation Day. At the end of this month, the 31st of January, another batch of Encounter participants will understand what it means to really encounter God. Next month, the first batch of School of Leaders participants will begin their training. Everyone is willing to grow in the knowledge of God, thus enabling them to be real champions in life.
Vikki found herself jumping up and down with joy as soon as she made her contribution. She says, "It didn't feel like I lost money. It felt like I gained more! It really felt good to be a part of upgrading the church---even if it is just one square meter of bricks. "
For Kiko, it is his love for SFCC that moved him to give. "I love seeing God move through this place as a venue where lives are changed and people connect with each other. I give because I want to honor God with the finances He has entrusted to me. This project is so important because we need the space to accommodate more guests, and I want to be a part of that." There is joy in giving if one recognizes that everything came from Him.
These are just a few of the contributors. The list is growing and pretty soon, the expansion will be finished. There is still more work and upgrades to be done. But we stand on His promise that the Lord will fulfill His purpose for us (Ps. 138:8).
Here's to an exciting, purpose-filled journey into 2014. This is the Lord's year. Are you ready?