Training Volunteers with Veteran Journalist Erwin Oliva

14 from SFCC's Media Team and other leaders were furiously taking notes, during a recent training. One of the country's top journalist, Erwin Oliva, presented a workshop via webinar last Sunday. The learning objectives were outlined below. Needless to say, all were inspired and gained a fresh, new vision for upgrading the way the church intends to write and produce news stories, blogs, videos, testimonies and more. ------------------------------------------------------------ What do you expect to learn from this? Practical “nuts-&-bolts” on how to “sniff out a scoop”. More particularly, how to write and produce “human interest” stories that highlight the people, ministries, special events and activities of the church that could be published on a blog, fb page, or newsletter. (Format: written articles and video segments) Who is the target audience of this training? Members from the Multi-Media Team of the church, and a few other small group leaders. (Total: 10 ...