More & More are Baptized into Christ
Sunday, January 26, 2014

Baptism Sunday, held every last Sunday of the month, saw 6 new creations go under and emerge out of water to proclaim their decision to follow Jesus all the days of their lives. Pastor Jeremiah Kingshipp gladly joined the ceremony. It truly was a celebratory event.
Aleene Narte decided to be baptized because she heard from God. She believes that from this day on, Jesus will use her mightily, and that He will cause things to happen in her life that is according to His will.

Diana Calucer heard a Word from God to totally surrender her life and allow herself to be used. She states that she is ready. "Handa na ako sa bagong ako," she declares.
We are all excited for you, guys. We are confident that "He Who began His good work in you will be faithful to complete it." (Philippians 1:6)
Baptism Sunday, held every last Sunday of the month, saw 6 new creations go under and emerge out of water to proclaim their decision to follow Jesus all the days of their lives. Pastor Jeremiah Kingshipp gladly joined the ceremony. It truly was a celebratory event.
Aleene Narte decided to be baptized because she heard from God. She believes that from this day on, Jesus will use her mightily, and that He will cause things to happen in her life that is according to His will.
We are all excited for you, guys. We are confident that "He Who began His good work in you will be faithful to complete it." (Philippians 1:6)