Youth Church Ablaze for God
Sat. Jammers intent on winning during an ice breaker. |
After the service, VIPs or those who attended for the first time will get a gift from the church. They will also have a chance to ask any questions or hear more about who we are during the VIP Time. Free merienda is offered to everyone.
Free "Block Courses" offer training in various music, singing, sound & stage production technical aspects, as well as in training in creative arts. Many young lives have enjoyed life-changing experiences and have grown to the next level of faith. They are on their way to realizing God's purpose in their lives.
Extreme Saturday Jam is every Saturday at 10 am to 12 noon.

Extreme Saturday Jam is every Saturday at 10 am to 12 noon.
An expressive worship celebration
Tim Warden shares practical teaching that is relevant and applicable to one's life.