High School Evangelism

Sharing God's Word does not have to be mechanical or technical.  It does not follow a standard method.  It is also not plausible to say that one method is the most effective. The important ingredient is your desire to share your faith.  It is not about mastery, but it is about commitment.  That is the first step.  

God does wonders to an available, willing heart.  1 Corinthians 1:27 says, "But God chose the foolish things of the world to shame the wise; God chose the weak things of the world to shame the strong."  If anyone cared to notice, the Bible did not post a list of prerequisites in order to be eligible to fulfill the great commission.  (Matt. 28:18-20)

There are no age prerequisites, no gender preferences, and definitely no I.Q. prerequisites.  Anyone who feels ill-equipped to speak, or has terrible people skills will simply have to trust that God will take their willingness and do the impossible.  We have all the senses (sight, hearing, etc.) to be made aware that the harvest is great and that there is a great demand for workers.  The question is are you willing to respond to the call? Are you willing to not trust in your own abilities and to put your trust in God alone? 

Age does not matter.  God sees the heart. =) A young high school student preaching the good news about Jesus to fellow students on campus.

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