Exciting Weekends that Change Lives

Another power-packed weekend filled with exciting, life-changing activities and sermon spices that drove home the teaching points of last weekend's teaching, "Almost Too Good to Be True: A New Nature". Like Lazarus, we were dead because of our sins, but God made us alive with Christ.  We shred our grave clothes and Jesus put on us new clothes.  We have a new nature. Focus on and live it out! 
 Do not be alarmed. This is Lazarus about to burst at the seams with the promise of a new life in Christ. 
 Jesus does what He does best: the IMPOSSIBLE. 
Lazarus gets a little help from his friends. We are here to build each other up.
 Praise and worship---a sweet aroma 
 The Champion Worshipers---always leading the people into God's throne of grace

 Grow in the knowledge and grace of who you are in Christ.
Each life, each soul is precious to God. 
Who said learning isn't fun? Maximum participation at the post-encounter session. 

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