Training Volunteers with Veteran Journalist Erwin Oliva

14 from SFCC's Media Team and other leaders were furiously taking notes, during a recent training. One of the country's top journalist, Erwin Oliva, presented a workshop via webinar last Sunday. The learning objectives were outlined below. Needless to say, all were inspired and gained a fresh, new vision for upgrading the way the church intends to write and produce news stories, blogs, videos, testimonies and more.
What do you expect to learn from this?
Practical “nuts-&-bolts” on how to “sniff out a scoop”. More particularly, how to write and produce “human interest” stories that highlight the people, ministries, special events and activities of the church that could be published on a blog, fb page, or newsletter. (Format: written articles and video segments)

Who is the target audience of this training?
Members from the Multi-Media Team of the church, and a few other small group leaders. (Total: 10 people, more or less.)

What are the main messages you want to convey?
So many “God-things” happen in the life of the church each week; but only a blessed few ever get to know about it. We want the wider church family, and an even wider network of friends, to also be encouraged by the work of God in this ministry.

Don’t be stuck on just reporting boring “facts and figures” or simply “informing” about past or upcoming events. Our objective is to impact lives and move them to take positive action, as they are effected by human interest stories that arouse emotion, humor, or spiritual revival.

Look beyond the obvious, for the stories “behind the story”. Learn the art and skills of interviewing people so as to “fish-out of them” the quotes and comments that can be effectively used to build a great story.

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