Reaching College Campus with a Message of Purity

The 'True Love Waits' Campaign Begins

'True Love Waits Campaign' is committed to impacting the youth by teaching them to remain pure in heart which will lead them to make the right choices-especially in the issue of sexual abstinence until marriage.

Teen pregnancy in the Philippines has risen up to 65% in the last decade.  It is a problem that can no longer  be ignored.  The rise of easy access to information via the different forms of media is being blamed as  the number one culprit.  The world is being desensitized by television and website ads with blatant sexual overtones giving everybody the idea that it's okay to 'do' it because everybody else is doing it.  But if we look at the Truth, sexual relations is a holy and sacred gift by God given to a husband and wife.  The world's culture today mars the original plan and design of our Creator about sex. Moral purity has gone to the dogs.  True Love waits is designed to encourage moral purity by adhering to biblical principles.  Through a variety of resources, students will be challenged to make the decision to wait until marriage.

The campaign started at the DMMMSU Mid-La Union Campus in San Fernando City.  The College of Technology students were the first audience.  The SFCC team presented song numbers emphasizing on waiting on the Lord and preserving one's purity.  Mark discussed the 'Path to Purity' and why it's okay to not conform to the ways of the world and decide to wait on God's timing.  Tim gave his testimony about his resolve to remain a virgin until marriage; and how his marriage is now blessed because of that decision.

Moral values have taken a backseat but it is time that we make a change. Purity is a gift and a lifestyle.  Equip the youth and help them align their future to God's perfect plan for them (Jer. 29:11).  Give them the real answers.  Give them the Truth.   Let them know that true love waits.

Mark & Eugene sing the carrier theme song "True Love Waits"

'The Path to Purity'---Purity is freedom from adulteration or contamination.

Regie Munar testifies why it's wise to abstain and wait.

Pastor Tim challenges the youth to embrace the lifestyle of purity

Dhang: "True Love is a person, and that is Jesus."

Tim, Bambi & Zion with the SFCC Outreach Team with the DMM State University faculty and the College of Technology students

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