
Showing posts from February, 2017

Operations Shoebox Updates

Just a quick update on Operation Shoebox:  View this email in your browser Shoebox Evangelism Thank you for praying for the Operation Shoebox. On the first day, 13 kids were blessed with these gifts; and a good number of parents/ guarding joined-in to listen. Many were noticeably touched by the various ways the Good News was being presented. Then last Saturday, another 41 children showed-up; and not only received the shoebox gifts, but also accepted the gospel of Jesus Christ. The kids were very expressive of their gratitude, as they came to understand that they were selected as a target of grace.  Praise the Lord! The next step is 10-weeks of follow-up discipleship classes for the kids that choose to grow more in God. Zion wanted to be a part of the program;...

Filipino men & women taking marriage matters seriously

Valentine's Conversations So after Praise & Prayer meeting last night (Valentine's), at least 50 singles stayed behind to ask for wisdom about love, courtship, & marriage. We hadn't prepared for this, but Bambi & I continued talking till 11pm. (Even Zion grabbed the microphone to answer a few questions). We really feel like the culture is changing. This next generation is going to break the destructive cycle of abuse and broken families. Our marriage, 12 years ago, was with a purpose to destroy the works of the enemy and establish a new trend of Godly marriages and parenting. As we explained to this crowd last night: Family must be built on the foundation of a Jesus Christ.

Shoe-box Evangelism

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