Christ's Love Reaches Even In Typhoon Floods

"In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works AND GIVE GLORY TO YOUR FATHER WHO IS IN HEAVEN." (Matthew 5:16) Typhoons have ravaged the Philippines in ways that has put this country on the map. Not a great way to gain recognition; but yes, we have had our taste of natures' so-called 'wrath'. But in the midst of it all, God has blessed the Filipinos with the gift of resilience. To quote an online newsclip, "When the world looks at the Philippines, they won't just remember the worst typhoon to hit the earth---they will recall how strong Filipinos are, too." Those who suffer loss and grief all need a glimpse, a taste, an encounter with God especially during times like these where all we see is hopelessness and despair. That is why Jesus commanded us to be salt and light. "You're here to be light, bringing out the God-colors in the generous with your lives. By openi...